The mission of People of Isolation is simple. In a world where billions are stuck in their own homes, towns, and cities, we want to facilitate a means of connection, understanding, and creativity. The easiest way to reach people across the globe is social media, Instagram being one of the most popular social media platforms in the world today. People of Isolation is an Instagram account boosting crowdsourced content, where everyday people can post about their lives in isolation, whether they submit a video of empty streets or of their community togetherness. Submissions can be a short video filmed on a phone, a poem, a documentary, a photo, or countless other options. The caption can be whatever is best to communicate to the world. People of Isolation is simply a vessel for people from New York to Spain to California and beyond to share their isolation stories to the world. The account began as a collaboration between Jack, quarentining in New York City, and Hazel, quarentining in Sevilla, Spain. Quickly, People of Isolation has grown to include submissions from Washington, California, Connecticut and beyond. Here are a few examples of submissions to People of Isolation as of April 21st. 

To see more, follow us on Instagram @peopleofisolation

Hazel is a rising Senior at Pitzer college, self-designing a major in Peace and Conflict Studies. She left the U.S. for spring break to visit her boyfriend in Spain, only to get stuck there as the COVID-19 pandemic spread. After spending exactly 49 days in strict quarantine, she is slowly recovering from a mild case of cabin fever. She also wants to know why the U.S. doesn’t have universal healthcare.

Jack Friedman '23 is currently at home in New York City. He wishes he could go out and get a bagel but his favorite bagel place is closed and he knows the value of loyalty. He is a very undecided first year but plans on majoring in some kind of media and politics field.